Request Press Credentials

Click Here to register for credentials

Credential Requests

Requests for press credentials should be made by the News Assignment Editor or other Primary Contact. Press credential requests can be made online here. Credentials will be assigned by April 7, 2014. Freelance journalists may be asked to submit a printed copy or tape of their most recent coverage.

Press Credential Distribution

Press Credentials will be distributed the first two weeks of April. Local media will receive press credentials through their News Assignment Editor. Regional or national media will receive press credentials directly from the Derby Festival. Members of the media must wear their press credentials and carry valid photo identification when covering KDF events.

Press Officer Access

Working media can locate members of the Derby Festival Press Staff at events by looking for the “Media Area” signage or contacting via cell phone (contact numbers will be listed on all credentials).

Derby Festival credentials do not provide access to Churchill Downs. The Kentucky Derby Festival is a separate entity from the Kentucky Derby and Churchill Downs, Inc. To request Churchill Downs press credentials, contact Media Services Manager, Churchill Downs at (502) 636-4460.

March 2 - April 6
March 23 - March 23
March 27 - March 27
April 4 - April 4