February 25, 2016. Louisville, KY.  The Kentucky Derby Festival is teaming up with Riverside Parking in 2016 to help distribute Pegasus Pins. Through the partnership, Riverside Parking will have Pegasus Pins available for sale in their main office as well as in select parking garages during several upcoming special events. Along with The Riverside Parking purchase locations, pins will also be available at more than 1,000 retail outlets and participating financial institutions beginning Monday, March 7.

“This makes it even easier for Festival Fans to get their Pegasus Pins, anywhere and anytime,” said KDF President & CEO, Mike Berry. “We appreciate community-minded partners like Riverside Parking, and the hundreds of other local businesses who help make sure we have Pegasus Pins at as many locations as possible.”

The Festival unveiled the 2016 pin design in January.  It features the newly opened Abraham Lincoln Bridge, the outlines of both Kentucky and Indiana, as well as the Festival’s corporate Pegasus image.  Beginning March 7, the pins will be available to the public and will sell for $5 each at retail locations. The price at the entrance to events will be $7.

“We encourage fans to purchase their pins in advance at local retailers this year to help support our community partners, register for pin prizes and also to save money,” said Berry. “This little piece of plastic is your key to two weeks worth of fun. For the nine-day run of Kroger’s Fest-a-Ville alone, you get free admission to see national act concerts, and events like the U.S. Bank Balloon Glimmer, Passport Health Plan GospelFest, plus a wide variety of other programming.”

Pins are sold in grocery stores, gas stations, banks and other retail outlets around Kentuckiana from Elizabethtown to Louisville and in Southern Indiana, and are also available for purchase Started as an awareness campaign for the not-for-profit civic celebration in 1973, the plastic Pegasus Pins are now one of the primary sources of funding for Derby Festival events. The Pegasus Pin program has become a way for the community to have ownership in the Festival and show pride in the region’s largest celebration.

“Funds raised from the Pegasus Pin sales help us to continue producing events for the public and to maintain the high quality of those events,” said Wes Rutledge, 2016 Chair of KDF Board of Directors. “When you consider the average price of a concert or movie ticket, it’s an incredible deal.”

Again this year, the Festival is giving away weekly Grand Prizes and any 2016 Pegasus Pin will be your opportunity to win. The prizes will be given away on Fridays beginning Friday, March 18 through Friday, May 6. The drawings will be broadcast on WAVE 3 TV. Just register your pin using the KDF App or online at All pins must be registered to be eligible for the weekly grand prize drawings.

About Kentucky Derby Festival: Since 1956, the Derby Festival has worked to bring the community together in celebration. The Festival is an independent community organization supported by 4,000 volunteers, 400 businesses and civic groups, Pegasus Pin sponsorships and event participation. This involvement has made the Festival the largest single attended event in Kentucky and one of the leading community celebrations in the world.

March 2 - April 6
March 23 - March 23
March 27 - March 27
April 4 - April 4