June 10, 2014. Louisville, KY.   Trish Osborn will chair the 2015 Kentucky Derby Festival. She was elected by the Kentucky Derby Festival, Inc., Board of Directors at its annual meeting last night at the Hyatt Regency Hotel. Osborn is Senior Vice President of American Founders Bank.  She follows the successful leadership of David Nett, Customer Communications Manager for Kroger, Mid South Division, who will continue serving as Immediate Past Chair of the Derby Festival.

“Growing up in Louisville, the Kentucky Derby Festival has always been a huge part of my life and memories,” says Osborn.  “It is an honor and privilege to represent the organization and the dedicated people who bring this Festival to our community every spring.”

Osborn was first elected to the Derby Festival Board in 2007 and has been a member of the KDF Executive Board since 2008. She has served on the planning committee for several Derby Festival events and programs, including the Macy’s Spring Fashion Show, Diversity Committee, Finance Committee, Marathon and miniMarathon, and Thunder Over Louisville.

Michael E. Berry continues as President and CEO of the Derby Festival. Wes Rutledge, Vice President of Investments, Hilliard Lyons, was elected Chair-Elect; Lisa Stevenson, Instructor and Asst. Athletic Director at DuPont Manual High School, was elected Vice Chair; Scott Watkins, Vice President Operations, Norton Healthcare, was elected Secretary; and Marita Willis, President, Community Now, was elected Treasurer.

Joining the 75-member board as newly elected directors are: Natasha Collins, LG&E and KU; Al Cornish; Barry Denton; Don Marquess, Meyer Natural Foods; Joey Wagner; Wendy Dant Chesser, One Southern Indiana (Ex-Officio); Jean Lee of YPAL (Ex-Officio); and Suanne Sanders, President, The Fillies, Inc. (Ex-Officio).

Barbara Cox, who has served on the Festival’s Board since 1991, was also named a Lifetime/Honorary Member of the Kentucky Derby Festival’s Board.

Since 1956, the Derby Festival has worked to bring the community together in celebration. The Festival is an independent community organization supported by 4,000 volunteers, 400 businesses and civic groups, Pegasus Pin sponsorships and event participation. This involvement has made the Festival the largest single attended event in Kentucky and one of the leading community celebrations in the world.