Participants Offered Virtual or In-person Option, PLUS Training

December 21, 2020. Louisville, KY. – The Kentucky Derby Festival and PNC are giving cyclists something to look forward to next spring. Registration opens today for the annual PNC Tour de Lou – a cycling event that takes riders on a tour around the city. The Festival has developed a plan which will allow cyclists to choose between a virtual or an in-person (socially distanced) ride option.

“The PNC Tour de Lou has become one of the Festival’s signature events every spring,” said Matt Gibson, Kentucky Derby Festival President and CEO. “While the event will look different in 2021, our team is working hard to ensure participants will have both a memorable and a safe experience.”

The Festival is again partnering with the Louisville Bicycle Club to produce the premiere ride, which features distance options for all experience levels. A free six-week training program to help prepare cyclists for their ride is also being offered. Registration for the rides and training is open online at KDF.org/TourdeLou.

Ride Option A: Ride the 2021 PNC Tour de Lou virtually from April 18 – May 18, 2021. The virtual option is perfect for those who are out of town or prefer to ride solo on their own time and own course, while still receiving 2021 PNC Tour de Lou Merchandise and other perks.

Ride Option B: Ride “in person” on April 18, 2021, with a socially distanced start, nutrition and water stops, along with limited capacity and other modifications to comply with COVID-19 guidelines. The in-person ride will be an open course (no streets closed) through some of Louisville’s parks and neighborhoods.

Distance options include:

  • 20 miles – Great for Families & Beginner or New Riders
  • 35 miles – Great for Moderate/Experienced Riders
  • 62.1 miles – Great for Advanced Riders or those looking for a challenge

2021 marks the 8th year for the cycling event. It was held virtually for the first time in 2020. More details on the PNC Tour de Lou can be found online at KDF.org/TourdeLou.

PNC returns as the title sponsor. Official Medical Provider and Training Partner: UofL Health Sports Medicine. Contributing Sponsor: Scheller’s Fitness & Cycling. Official Sag Vehicle: Bachman Subaru. Supporting Sponsors: Louisville Bicycle Club and Louisville Water Company.

About Kentucky Derby Festival
Since 1956, the Derby Festival has worked to bring the community together in celebration. The Festival is an independent community organization supported by 4,000 volunteers, 400 businesses and civic groups, Pegasus Pin sponsorships and event participation. This involvement has made the Festival the largest single attended event in Kentucky and one of the leading community celebrations in the world.

March 1