Registration Opens TOMORROW! 

Dec. 7, 2022. Louisville, KY. – It’s time to condition for your cycling mission! The Kentucky Derby Festival and PNC are gearing up for the annual training program for the 2023 PNC Tour de Lou. The FREE six-week PNC Tour de Lou Training Program offers in-person training options to help participants set their wheels in motion for the Festival’s annual cycling experience on Sunday, April 16, 2023. Registration for the training program opens online Thursday, Dec. 8 at KDF.org/TourdeLou.

“The PNC Tour de Lou Training Program is for cyclists of all experience levels,” said Matt Gibson, Kentucky Derby Festival President & CEO. “Thanks to Louisville Bicycle Club and Norton Sports Health, in just a few short weeks, this program will get you in gear no matter which distance you ride with us in the spring.”

Norton Sports Health, who has led the Training Program for the GE Appliances miniMarathon and Marathon since 2013, is now teaming up with the Derby Festival and PNC as the Official Medical Provider and Training Partner for the PNC Tour de Lou.

“This is a great event that helps people adopt healthy lifestyles while having fun,” said Sam Zuege, director, Norton Sports Health. “We’re excited to be part of the 2023 PNC Tour de Lou and help get even more people involved in cycling.”

The PNC Tour de Lou Training Program, led by the Louisville Bicycle Club, features six rides and will offer participants training tips, including hand signals, rules of the road and nutritional information. All training rides take place at noon on Sundays from Feb. 26 through April 2, with rides increasing by five miles each week. Rides will start and end at 301 E. Witherspoon St. In addition to a bicycle, all riders must bring a helmet. The first 250 participants to sign up for the training program will receive a FREE shirt.

The 2023 PNC Tour de Lou Training Program schedule includes:

  • 26 – 5-mile Training Ride & Rider 101
  • March 5 – 10-Mile Training Ride
  • March 12 – 15-Mile Training Ride
  • March 19 – 20-Mile Training Ride
  • March 26 – 25-Mile Training Ride
  • April 2 – 30-Mile Training Ride

The 10th annual PNC Tour de Lou is set for Sunday, April 16, 2023. Registration is open now at KDF.org/TourdeLou. The cycling event features three distances (20-miles, 35-miles and 62.1-miles), a family ride inside Waterfront Park, and a virtual ride option.

PNC is the Title Sponsor. Official Medical Provider and Training Partner: Norton Sports Health. Contributing Sponsor: Scheller’s Fitness & Cycling and Ten20 Craft Brewery. Supporting Sponsors: Churchill Downs, Louisville Bicycle Club and Louisville Water Company.


March 1