Jan. 22, 2014 Louisville, KY. – Republic Bank has renewed its title sponsorship of the Pegasus Parade – the Festival’s oldest event – to extend through the 2016 Kentucky Derby Festival. Republic Bank began sponsoring the Pegasus Parade in 2002. The Pegasus Parade, first held in 1956, is set for Thursday, May 1, in downtown Louisville.

“Republic Bank is a long time friend and partner of the Festival,” said Mike Berry, Kentucky Derby Festival President and CEO. “Over the years, their commitment to the parade has allowed us to grow the event that entertains thousands every year on Broadway. Corporate sponsors like them help us continue to produce quality events for the community.”

“We are thrilled to once again be the title sponsor of the Kentucky Derby’s oldest event – the Republic Bank Pegasus Parade. As the largest locally owned community bank, we are delighted to be able to bring this festival favorite to our community,” stated Republic Bank Chairman and CEO, Steve Trager. “All of our associates share our pride in sponsoring this uniquely local event and like the rest of the community look forward to it each year.”

The theme of the 2014 Pegasus Parade is “Call of the Wild.” The creators of the parade floats traditionally design their units to adhere to each year’s parade theme. Entries are being accepted through January 31st for floats, marching bands and other parade units. Applications can be found online at www.kdf.org.

The Pegasus Parade – the Derby Festival’s founding event – is one of nearly 70 events produced by the Kentucky Derby Festival in the spring and provides an estimated economic impact of more than $22 million.

The Derby Festival is an independent community organization supported by 4,000 volunteers, 400 businesses and civic groups, Pegasus Pin sponsorships and event participation. It entertains more than 1.5 million people in a two- week period. This involvement has made the Festival the largest single-attended event in Kentucky and one of the leading community celebrations in the world.


For more information, contact:

Derby Festival Press Office at (502) 584-FEST

Michael Sadofsky – Republic Bank at (502) 561-7125

February 22
March 1
March 2 - April 6
March 23 - March 23