WHAT:                   Derby Festival Photo/Video Opportunity – Spelling Bee Finals


WHEN:            Saturday, March 15, at 11 AM.  Best time to cover is around 12:30. (Winner could come at anytime.)

WHERE:          Ballroom, Kosair Shrine Club at Spalding University

                        812 South 2nd Street, Louisville


ATTENDING:   Kentucky & Indiana students and their parents

David Nett, 2014 Derby Festival Chair

2014 Derby Festival Royal Court

Derby Festival Board & Staff


March 15, 2014, Louisville, KY.   65 of the brightest students from across Kentucky and Indiana will participate in the 21st annual Ford Motor Company Spelling Bee Finals TOMORROW.

The overall champion of this year’s Spelling Bee will receive the John & Joan Murphy Memorial Scholarship Fund, a $10,000 U.S. Savings Bond at maturity.  The next four top finishers will also receive savings bonds – $5,000 for second place, $3,000 for third, $1,500 for fourth and $1,000 for fifth. The prize money will be provided by the Kentucky Derby Festival Foundation – the Derby Festival’s charitable arm. The 65 qualifiers represent 62 different counties.

In addition to a $10,000 saving bond, the overall Spelling Bee champion will receive a Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary, Hasbro Scrabble game, an Amazon.com gift card and a trophy. The winner will also have the opportunity to ride the Winner’s Float in the 59th annual Republic Bank Pegasus Parade on May 1.

The Kentucky Derby Festival Spelling Bee is sponsored by Ford Motor Company, with contributing sponsors Kentucky Monthly and 84WHAS.

February 22
March 1
March 2 - April 6
March 23 - March 23