The Kentucky Derby Festival is now accepting media credential applications for the 2014 Festival.  The majority of Festival events will occur from Thursday, April 11, through Friday, May 2. The deadline for applying for credentials is Friday, March 28.

To request credentials, go to the Festival’s “Media Center” online at kdf.org/credentials. Click on the “Request Press Credentials” link to get started.

Please request a credential for everyone in your organization who will cover the events.  You will be sent an email confirmation of your credential request, once your application has been processed.  PLEASE NOTE:  Media Credentials are limited to WORKING MEDIA ONLY.

Your coverage of the Festival is important to us and the community.  The Festival’s Press Office is available to assist you in any way.

Thank you for your interest.  We look forward to working with you!


February 22
March 1
March 2 - April 6
March 27 - March 27